I found a recipe online for some tasty looking quesadillas, but seeing as I had almost none of the exact ingredients I kind of threw this one together with what we had in the pantry. Most of all, I just wanted to use some pulled pork that we had in the freezer and this seemed like as good of an option as any.
I'll take this step by step, but please . . . forgive my shoddy camera work? I'm new at this.
So I started by heating up our pulled pork in a skillet with some fajita/taco seasonings and a little water.
And here is where, in my haste to snap a picture, I knocked over the container of seasonings all over our kitchen chair. There was a big cascading arc of Mexican spices, then the slow dawn of understanding. A well seasoned chair is a wonderful thing.
Next I set Miyagi to the chopping. (Don't tell anyone or else: chop chop!) Ingredients are as follows:
- about half a sweet onion, thinly sliced then sauteed with a little oil
- a cup of cheddar (although this would be extremely tasty with some Monterrey jack!)
- and a generous handful of fresh cilantro; that's the greenish stuff you see piled together
I let the meat simmering with a lid on to let the flavor sink in a bit, then started frying up some corn tortillas. I've never quite mastered this art, but I read somewhere that you could cook them with just a few drops of olive oil . . . mine took a bit more than a few drops but these did turn out much less greasy this way. I put maybe a teaspoon of olive oil in a hot skillet, then dropped the tortilla in and quickly spun it around and flipped it over so that I had an even amount of oil on each side. Then I let them cook up for about 4 minutes a side. Just so that they were beginning to get crispy and brown.
They were just right when you could hold them horizontally and they wouldn't completely flop over. After these were mostly ready I took a couple and put them on ANOTHER hot skillet, this time smothered in cheese. Smothered in cheese is always the better option.
The rest is just assembly. Throw on another tortilla and layer with meat, onions and cilantro.
Then when the cheese is all melty and screaming EAT ME! smash the two sides together and top with whatever suits you. I personally prefer huge heaping mounds of sour cream. But salsa is prettier. So Miyagi got these and I slathered mine behind the camera.
These were super tasty and even more thrilling I didn't have to go to the store for anything! The pork was great but in the future I'd probably rather just use chicken. Even the shredded stuff in the can might be good with a little coaxing.
For those that are curious, we followed up our meal with a dainty desert of Red Vines. Like a fine wine, every meal has it's desert.
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